Monday, August 23, 2010

Four Hoots and A Holler

My grandma is with Jesus now. Amazing!

The greatest Love she's ever known is looking her face to face. God is so good.

I'm learning all kinds of things I never knew about Gram Gram. I knew she was fiercely proud of her family, and I knew she had the best laugh. But, I never knew she was on a bowling team called "Four Hoots and a Holler". Wow! So stinkin' funny.

There was a write up in the paper about her when she was a young adult. It was so neat, and it said that for Belle Patty, "beach parties are a way of life and not just a weekend activity". Amen to that, Gramma! I think Gramma knew that God intended life to be rich and full and fun. That's how she helped my life to be. I know her life sure is now.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sweet, sweet Jesus

My sweet and hilarious grandma is dying. I can scarcely believe I’m typing these words, but it’s true. My grandma is the best storyteller I know. She recalls the richest and the most minute of details, and one is compelled to listen to the life she makes come alive through words. I’m going to sorely miss my grandma. She’s a strong woman, and she makes me want to be stronger than I am. For most of her adult life she had men make her feel crushed and like something to be used and kicked around. But, you’d never know it. She knew it, but you wouldn’t. Now, though, she’s moments away from being in the presence of the One who has loved her before the foundation of time. In just moments, the most gentle hands that have ever touched her will wipe away her tears. She’ll be made to feel precious, beloved, cherished. I can hardly express how much I love that Jesus is that way. He’s so good. Amazingly good. Wondrously good. How can it be that He loves us this much? I don’t know, but I’m sure glad. I wish I could see the JOY that I know will light my grandma’s face when she looks into the eyes that love her beyond space, time, and reason.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.

This is a photo of my aunt Sara and me at a place called "Milk and Honey" in my favorite city, Chicago. When I think of all the milk and honey, literally and figuratively, in my life, my heart can't help but sing a song of thanksgiving.
When I think about the goodness of God, I can scarcely fathom it. His love is so sweet, so pure, so good, and I'm so thankful He loves me. I'm learning more and more that His love is made of stronger stuff than I can know. My friend Lee reminded me recently that Jesus is about the business of fixing, mending, restoring. Lee reminded me that God will fix, heal, repair, everything that is broken in me. I'm so thankful. This Christmas season always makes me think of Jesus's great love in coming to rescue us. He reminds me that He brought light into the darkness we knew. He brought freedom to the captives, and He saved my sick, weak heart. Not only that, He lovingly works in my life each day in better ways than I could hope. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Pictured above is "Lobster Bee". This is a new insect Gardner and I discovered in my backyard. Notice the little guy next to the purple flower near the top of the photo. It's actually a Snowberry Clearwing Moth, but to Gardner and me it will always be Lobster Bee. Look for us on Discovery.

One of my favorite words in the English or any other language is "cartographer". I think I learned this word in about the third grade, and I've loved it ever since. It's a great sounding word, but it's also one of the coolest professions I can imagine. Map making must be so interesting. I was thinking about maps recently and where I'd make mine go if I was a figurative cartographer. I thought about times when I made mistakes. What would I tell myself if I made a map that could take me back to the moment just before I made some of my most colossal blunders? Or maybe I would go back to all the happy times. Would I go back to kindergarten the day we watched it snow outside Mrs. Myers' room? I mused and mused about the ideas of all the places I might go. And then, I got still.

Tonight I sat outside and soaked up as much of the cool July evening as I could. I watched the sun go down and the sky show my favorite dark blue, gold, and rich pink. The moon shone this bright, beautiful silver. The giant oak trees in my backyard and Mr. Nichols' yard showed their intricate shapes sharp against the blackening sky, and I heard the voice of the Lord. It's amazing how when we are still, it's impossible not to know He's God. I couldn't help but think of all the goodness in my life. My family, who are so dear to me, my wonderful friends, my job, my Campaigner girls, my home, and everything sweet and good in my life occupied my thoughts as the idea of cartography came back to my mind.

I think I'd make a map to this very moment if I could. See, at this moment, God loves me infinitely. I know this because of His word and His work in my life. My friend Lila and I had dinner at Big Ed's tonight, and it was delicious. We talked and talked, and I was encouraged to hear her talk about other friends in her life with the love and concern she has for everyone in her life. My friend Teagan is happy and in love with her husband, and I couldn't be happier for her. Amy, my faithful friend, spent the night driving around in her Jeep with her friend Jenny last night and loved every minute of it. My friend Joy exemplifies her name in every way. My sweet family and I just spent some really good time together, and I was struck by just how precious they are. My sister and her family are happy and good, and they are seeking the Lord at every turn. My mom loves me and cares for me so effectively and efficiently that I feel like I can take on the world. My brother took me to pick up my car at the shop today, and he made me laugh with his gentle silliness. Nikki, my youngest sister, and I got to go to Chicago together, and she was amazing. I just have so many blessings, I could never tell of them all. The hand of the Lord is evident in all these things. His goodness has caused my cup of joy to overflow.

My nephew, who happens to be the joy of my heart, was so stinkin' good on our trip to Myrtle Beach this week. He sang Toby Mac songs all week. I wanted to bottle that sound up and keep it. We swam, and swam, and swam. We were doing this trick in the pool where he would put his feet on my stomach and I'd hold his hands, allowing him to lie back in the water. I would turn around as fast as I could as I held him. The first few times, he would look back and make sure I wasn't going to bang his head into the wall. So, I put my hands on his face and said that he didn't have a thing to worry about when I was taking care of him in the pool. I said I wouldn't let him get hurt. I asked him if he knew why, and he said it was because I love him so much. I told him that was right and so he shouldn't worry. He laid back and he enjoyed the ride, trusting in my love for him.

I hope the Lord will continue teaching me to do that with Him. I think about the map He's made for my life, and I know that it's covered in sugary sweet fingerprints. It's He who has directed my life to such places of goodness that I can hardly take it all in. I would also venture to say that the places I had the toughest time with would have the sweetest fingerprints on them. I'm glad to know that He's the cartographer.

Monday, May 19, 2008


I have my students do crazy assignments all the time. Sometimes I make them write poems that make no sense or write a story about the posters on my wall. I always have a purpose, and I have hope that my assignments will be fruitful. They are sometimes, and sometimes they're not. One time, though, I got more than I ever asked for. I asked my students to write about redemption, who needs it, how does one get it, what does it mean. Their responses were overwhelming. Everyone one of them said that people all need redemption. Amen to that.

I have known about and thought about redemption and how I need it for a long time, thank God. Almost twenty years ago, God redeemed my life from the debt of sin I owed and brought me from death into life. All the goodness in my life is because of Him, and I'm so glad He saved me. But, I'm even more glad that He didn't stop there. See, redepmtion doesn't just mean all of these things: to buy back, to get or win back, to free from captivity by payment of ransom. It also means to restore and to repair. God redeemed me, he freed me from my captivity, but He didn't stop there. He's been restoring all the hurt and all the bad in me for a long time now. He's repairing all the broken and all the mess.

In The Scarlet Letter, there is a rosebush outside the jail Hester Prynne is in, and the narrator tells us that the rosebush is to symbolize "some sweet moral blossom, that may be found along the track, or relieve the darkening close of a tale of human frailty and sorrow." Well, I may not wear my sin on my chest like Hester does, but without the repair and restoration God works in my life, mine would be a tale of frailty and sorrow. But, because of His tender love and mercy, it's not. Instead, there is hope. Instead, he puts beauty in my life where I have only sewn selfishness and ugliness. I know people always say you reap what you sow, but, if I did, my life would be horrible.

The roses in this picture are from a bush in my backyard that I get to look at every day. My granny planted this bush and tended it. She used to take pictures of all the beautiful things in her backyard, and we, her family, thought it a bit odd that she took so many photos of plants and flowers. But, I just realized that maybe she was up to a little more than that. She usually was. See, when I see those flowers, I can't help but think of God's goodness. I want to capture that beauty just like she did.

Those flowers remind me that He is the author and creator of all that's good. They remind me that He can fix what's broken. A friend of mine told me about a time she and an ex spent part of a night at a Family Inn off 75N. She gave him her heart and her body, and he turned the TV remote control back in at the end of the night for a 5$ refund. She was broken after that, broken hearted and broken in spirit. But, God repaired that brokenness. He reminded her that He sees her as beautiful. He reminded her that He gave His life for her. And so, her heart is healed. I'm glad God took care of her, and I'm glad He takes care of me.

There's so much good in my life, I almost can't believe it. I think of the great family I have and the way they love me at my worst. My nephew is the coolest kid on the planet, and he loves me so much. My brother and sisters make me feel like I can do anything. I have friends who love me even after I have wronged them and been a huge jerk to them. I have a beautiful house I live in for free. My backyard is full of honeysuckle that smells so sweet. I have a great job in a safe, encouraging environment. I have the peace of Jesus that passes all understanding and the promise that He is working and moving in my life. He's getting rid of all the bad and replacing it with His goodness. Whew, my life is great.

This is a picture of both my nephews in all their cuteness. Gardner was sticking a straw in the hole where his tooth once was. Silas is chillin' with Aunt Carol. Dang, I love those kids. These are the gorgeous roses in my yard. They are amazingly beautiful. I wish this computer had smellovision. I'd put the honeysuckle smell on here. Since it doesn't, stop by the old Cavin homestead and smell ya some.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

God's Voice

This (left) is the beautiful bush in my front yard. It makes me so happy to look out there and be reminded of God's glory. I'm so glad he made things like this. At the top are the gorgeous tulips my beaufitul sister, Catherine, brought me Easter morning. She very thoughtfully gave me something that would for days and days and years to come remind me of her love, and, because it's an Easter gift, remind me of the new life sweet Jesus brings to us.
This spring has been gorgeous. Good Friday was one of those days so full of beauty and sweet, gentle winds, and God's handiwork all around that I could hardly take in all of it. My heart was so full because of His rich blessings in my life. I sat out in the backyard and read and prayed and soaked up the beauty. There was a faint smell of wood burning, and I just wanted to shout, jump, dance or laugh because it was so beautiful. The beauty of this spring is not ulike the spring the year my nephew, Gardner, was born. It is fitting that the year he was born should be so beautiful. I remember thinking that I had never seen grass so luch and green or the trees flower so fully and richly. This is a spring like that. Everywhere I look I'm reminded of His greatness. As I think about His goodness, I want more and more to be closer to Him, and I feel that way when I'm outside taking in all the beauty of His creation. To think, He looks at you and me with the same sort of delight, only infinitely purer and sweeter. Zephaniah tells us in chapter 3 verse 14 "The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." What a sweet thought! I can't believe that the God of heaven would sing over me, but He does and I'm so glad. I may not know what His singing voice sounds like, but I'm sure it's amazing. And, if it's anything like the praises His creation is singing for Him right now, it's better than anything I've heard yet.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Hebrews 4:16 says: "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may find mercy and grace to help us in our time of need." Amen and amen. I'm so glad that because Jesus died for us when we were still sinners, at one time objects of wrath, we are now alive with Him and able to approach His throne any time we need to. This glorious sunrise last Thursday was a real encouragement to me and a reminder that throne we're approaching belongs to a God who is FULL of glory and grace. I'm so glad He is!