Monday, August 23, 2010

Four Hoots and A Holler

My grandma is with Jesus now. Amazing!

The greatest Love she's ever known is looking her face to face. God is so good.

I'm learning all kinds of things I never knew about Gram Gram. I knew she was fiercely proud of her family, and I knew she had the best laugh. But, I never knew she was on a bowling team called "Four Hoots and a Holler". Wow! So stinkin' funny.

There was a write up in the paper about her when she was a young adult. It was so neat, and it said that for Belle Patty, "beach parties are a way of life and not just a weekend activity". Amen to that, Gramma! I think Gramma knew that God intended life to be rich and full and fun. That's how she helped my life to be. I know her life sure is now.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sweet, sweet Jesus

My sweet and hilarious grandma is dying. I can scarcely believe I’m typing these words, but it’s true. My grandma is the best storyteller I know. She recalls the richest and the most minute of details, and one is compelled to listen to the life she makes come alive through words. I’m going to sorely miss my grandma. She’s a strong woman, and she makes me want to be stronger than I am. For most of her adult life she had men make her feel crushed and like something to be used and kicked around. But, you’d never know it. She knew it, but you wouldn’t. Now, though, she’s moments away from being in the presence of the One who has loved her before the foundation of time. In just moments, the most gentle hands that have ever touched her will wipe away her tears. She’ll be made to feel precious, beloved, cherished. I can hardly express how much I love that Jesus is that way. He’s so good. Amazingly good. Wondrously good. How can it be that He loves us this much? I don’t know, but I’m sure glad. I wish I could see the JOY that I know will light my grandma’s face when she looks into the eyes that love her beyond space, time, and reason.